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Amityville Memorial High School holds annual curriculum fair

High school students at curriculum fair. thumbnail264026

On Jan. 28, Amityville Memorial High School’s students had the opportunity to explore a wide range of elective options during the school’s annual curriculum fair.  

As they prepare to select their courses for the next school year, students engaged with teachers, attended presentations led by senior students, and gained valuable insight into courses that align with their interests and future goals. 

The event began with an assembly, followed by the curriculum fair, where tables were set up throughout the hallways for students to learn about different academic opportunities. In the auditorium, presentations covered course offerings and graduation requirements, ensuring students had the information they needed to make informed decisions. 

Additionally, the high school’s seniors participated in an informative session on financial aid, including FAFSA, to help them navigate the college application process with confidence. Later in the week, guidance counselors visited ELA classes to assist students in completing course selection sheets, which they will review in upcoming scheduling meetings. 

The district would like to thank the high school’s teachers, counselors, and staff for making this event a success and for their continued commitment to guiding Amityville’s students on their academic journey. 

Click here to view the Amityville Memorial High School holds annual curriculum fair slideshow.

Date Added: 2/4/2025

A festive Battle of the Classes at Amityville Memorial High School

The sophomores were victorious in Amityville Memorial High School’s holiday-themed Battle of the Classes on Dec. 20. thumbnail263456

On Dec. 20, Amityville Memorial High School held a festive, holiday-themed Battle of the Classes in the school’s gymnasium.

The culminating event for Spirit Week, classes competed against each other in numerous games such as Hungry Hungry Hippo, a potato sack race, a balloon pop relay, hula hoop pass, and tug-of-war. Classes from each grade level filled the bleachers as they proudly cheered on their respective classmates.

After a competitive afternoon of events, the sophomores emerged as the winner of Battle of the Classes.

Photo captions:

1: The sophomores were victorious in Amityville Memorial High School’s holiday-themed Battle of the Classes on Dec. 20.

2: Classes competed against each other in tug-of-war at center court in the high school’s gymnasium.

3-4: Students also teamed up to play Hungry Hungry Hippo.

5: Classes lined up to play hula hoop pass.

6: Student leaders demonstrated the rules of the balloon pop relay.

7-8: Students hopped around the gymnasium during the potato sack race.

9: Santa Claus also made a special guest appearance before the high school’s Battle of the Classes.

Photos courtesy of the Amityville Union Free School District

Click here to view the A festive Battle of the Classes at Amityville Memorial High School slideshow.

Date Added: 1/3/2025