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Northwest School

Address: 450 County Line Road, Amityville, NY 11701
Main Office: (631) 565‑6500
Fax #: (631) 565-6585
Grades: K‑2
Principal: Mrs. Kathleen Hyland
Asst. Principal: Mr. Paul Duguay        
School Hours: 8:45 a.m. ‑ 3:20 p.m.

Exterior photo of school building


School Announcements


Current News

Interactive lesson on digital literacy at Northwest Elementary School

Students at Northwest in the library for lesson. thumbnail264351

Students at Northwest Elementary School in Amityville recently enjoyed an interactive digital literacy lesson in the school’s library.  

Led by Northwest Library Media Specialist Ms. Lori Heavey, students viewed different means of transportation from the past to present day. Students also examined pieces of technology from the past and had to figure out what they were used for. 

The New York Digital Citizenship Standards for students in grades K-2 helps young learners understand how to use technology safely and responsibly. These standards teach students about online safety, respecting others, and protecting personal information. They also encourage positive interactions and the importance of balancing screen time with other activities. 

Students also learn about technology from the past, helping them see how tools and devices have evolved over time. They discover that technology is constantly changing and influencing how people live, learn, and communicate. By understanding these changes, students begin to see how technology can impact their future, inspiring them to use it in positive and meaningful ways.


Click here to view the Interactive lesson on digital literacy at Northwest Elementary School slideshow.


Date Added: 2/18/2025

Northwest Elementary School’s annual Lunar New Year parade

Students in hall thumbnail263969

On Jan. 28, students at Northwest Elementary School in Amityville celebrated the Lunar New Year with their annual parade. 

In celebration of the Lunar New Year, students learned that this is the Year of the Snake, which represents wisdom, intuition and transformation. Students crafted lanterns, dragons and noisemakers for the parade around the school. To celebrate the Lunar New Year, students and staff were encouraged to wear red which symbolizes good luck, energy and happiness. 

It was a festive and great learning experience for all of Northwest’s students. 

Photo captions:  

1-7: On Jan. 28, students at Northwest Elementary School in Amityville celebrated the Lunar New Year with their annual parade. 

Photos courtesy of the Amityville Union Free School District

Click here to view the Northwest Elementary School’s annual Lunar New Year parade slideshow.

Date Added: 1/31/2025

Northwest Elementary School students spread holiday cheer

Northwest Elementary students performing songs. thumbnail263577

From Dec. 17-19, Northwest Elementary School in Amityville performed a medley of songs to spread some holiday cheer during their annual Winter Concert/Art Showcase. 

Directed by music teacher Ms. Nicole Altamura, students in grades K-2 performed in front of their teachers and parents in the school’s gymnasium. The medley of holiday songs included “Jingle Bells,” “Hanukkah is Here,” “Hip Hop Reindeer” and “Feliz Navidad.”  

After the performance, parents got to check out the artwork on display throughout the gymnasium. 


Click here to view the Northwest Elementary School students spread holiday cheer slideshow.

Date Added: 1/10/2025